Fatality Facts 2022State by state


The number and types of motor vehicle crash deaths differ widely among the 50 states and the District of Columbia. A state’s population has an obvious effect on the number of motor vehicle deaths. Fatality rates per capita and per vehicle miles traveled provide a way of examining motor vehicle deaths relative to the population and amount of driving. However, many factors can affect these rates, including types of vehicles driven, travel speeds, rates of licensure, state traffic laws, emergency care capabilities, weather and topography.

The following facts are based on analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System.

Posted June 2024.

Fatal crash totals

There were 42,514 deaths from motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2022. This corresponds to 12.8 deaths per 100,000 people and 1.33 deaths per 100 million miles traveled. The fatality rate per 100,000 people ranged from 4.8 in the District of Columbia and Rhode Island to 23.9 in Mississippi. The death rate per 100 million miles traveled ranged from 0.69 in Rhode Island to 1.85 in South Carolina (Federal Highway Administration, 2022).

Population, fatal motor vehicle crashes, motor vehicle crash deaths and motor vehicle crash death rates per state, 2022
State Population Vehicle miles traveled (millions) Deaths Deaths per 100,000 population Deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled
Alabama 5,074,296 71,631 988 19.5 1.38
Alaska 733,583 5,478 82 11.2 1.50
Arizona 7,359,197 76,159 1,302 17.7 1.71
Arkansas 3,045,637 38,530 643 21.1 1.67
California 39,029,342 315,244 4,428 11.3 1.40
Colorado 5,839,926 53,935 764 13.1 1.42
Connecticut 3,626,205 29,666 359 9.9 1.21
Delaware 1,018,396 9,872 162 15.9 1.64
District of Columbia 671,803 3,421 32 4.8 0.94
Florida 22,244,823 227,757 3,530 15.9 1.55
Georgia 10,912,876 128,871 1,797 16.5 1.39
Hawaii 1,440,196 10,289 116 8.1 1.13
Idaho 1,939,033 19,157 215 11.1 1.12
Illinois 12,582,032 103,752 1,268 10.1 1.22
Indiana 6,833,037 95,684 949 13.9 0.99
Iowa 3,200,517 32,712 338 10.6 1.03
Kansas 2,937,150 31,334 410 14.0 1.31
Kentucky 4,512,310 48,047 744 16.5 1.55
Louisiana 4,590,241 56,514 906 19.7 1.60
Maine 1,385,340 14,651 182 13.1 1.24
Maryland 6,164,660 56,746 564 9.1 0.99
Massachusetts 6,981,974 56,949 434 6.2 0.76
Michigan 10,034,113 95,901 1,124 11.2 1.17
Minnesota 5,717,184 57,471 444 7.8 0.77
Mississippi 2,940,057 39,952 703 23.9 1.76
Missouri 6,177,957 79,431 1,057 17.1 1.33
Montana 1,122,867 13,514 213 19.0 1.58
Nebraska 1,967,923 21,270 244 12.4 1.15
Nevada 3,177,772 27,647 416 13.1 1.50
New Hampshire 1,395,231 13,281 146 10.5 1.10
New Jersey 9,261,699 75,288 685 7.4 0.91
New Mexico 2,113,344 26,831 466 22.1 1.74
New York 19,677,151 115,382 1,175 6.0 1.02
North Carolina 10,698,973 119,381 1,630 15.2 1.37
North Dakota 779,261 9,180 98 12.6 1.07
Ohio 11,756,058 110,578 1,275 10.8 1.15
Oklahoma 4,019,800 44,566 710 17.7 1.59
Oregon 4,240,137 36,576 601 14.2 1.64
Pennsylvania 12,972,008 99,912 1,179 9.1 1.18
Rhode Island 1,093,734 7,531 52 4.8 0.69
South Carolina 5,282,634 58,988 1,094 20.7 1.85
South Dakota 909,824 10,170 137 15.1 1.35
Tennessee 7,051,339 83,219 1,314 18.6 1.58
Texas 30,029,572 290,890 4,408 14.7 1.52
Utah 3,380,800 34,336 319 9.4 0.93
Vermont 647,064 7,128 76 11.7 1.07
Virginia 8,683,619 82,083 1,008 11.6 1.23
Washington 7,785,786 58,483 733 9.4 1.25
West Virginia 1,775,156 15,312 264 14.9 1.72
Wisconsin 5,892,539 66,167 596 10.1 0.90
Wyoming 581,381 9,324 134 23.0 1.44
U.S. total 333,287,557 3,196,191 42,514 12.8 1.33

Deaths by road user

In 2022, the types of motor vehicle crash deaths varied across states. For example, North Dakota had the highest percentage of SUV and pickup occupant deaths (48%) and the lowest percentage of car occupants deaths (13%). Mississippi, Indiana, and North Carolina were tied for having the highest percentage of car occupant deaths (40%). Hawaii reported relatively low proportions of deaths in all motor vehicles, but a high percentage of pedestrian (24%) and motorcyclist deaths (28%). The District of Columbia had the highest percentage of crash deaths involving bicyclists (9%) and the highest percentage involving pedestrians (50%).

Motor vehicle crash deaths by road user type and state, 2022
State Car occupants Pickup and SUV occupants Large truck occupants Motorcyclists Pedestrians Bicyclists Total*
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Alabama 380 38 328 33 30 3 97 10 114 12 14 1 988 100
Alaska 27 33 28 34 1 1 8 10 13 16 2 2 82 100
Arizona 288 22 288 22 26 2 232 18 295 23 50 4 1,302 100
Arkansas 204 32 211 33 13 2 93 14 79 12 6 1 643 100
California 1,481 33 815 18 31 1 634 14 1,158 26 175 4 4,428 100
Colorado 224 29 247 32 12 2 149 20 108 14 15 2 764 100
Connecticut 135 38 77 21 4 1 67 19 68 19 3 1 359 100
Delaware 60 37 42 26 1 1 22 14 31 19 6 4 162 100
District of Columbia 5 16 1 3 1 3 4 12 16 50 3 9 32 100
Florida 1,007 29 730 21 36 1 669 19 773 22 215 6 3,530 100
Georgia 606 34 480 27 51 3 221 12 345 19 29 2 1,797 100
Hawaii 16 14 26 22 1 1 33 28 28 24 7 6 116 100
Idaho 68 32 88 41 2 1 27 13 16 7 4 2 215 100
Illinois 474 37 336 26 26 2 151 12 191 15 31 2 1,268 100
Indiana 376 40 267 28 22 2 126 13 114 12 16 2 949 100
Iowa 121 36 108 32 16 5 50 15 16 5 4 1 338 100
Kansas 140 34 147 36 16 4 53 13 32 8 7 2 410 100
Kentucky 264 35 219 29 17 2 105 14 93 12 14 2 744 100
Louisiana 270 30 269 30 16 2 91 10 181 20 44 5 906 100
Maine 68 37 56 31 1 1 32 18 21 12 2 1 182 100
Maryland 211 37 115 20 6 1 77 14 128 23 10 2 564 100
Massachusetts 163 38 95 22 3 1 57 13 94 22 9 2 434 100
Michigan 331 29 354 31 7 1 179 16 169 15 36 3 1,124 100
Minnesota 146 33 139 31 7 2 82 18 43 10 6 1 444 100
Mississippi 282 40 229 33 14 2 52 7 81 12 17 2 703 100
Missouri 355 34 324 31 32 3 157 15 128 12 11 1 1,057 100
Montana 55 26 81 38 3 1 37 17 18 8 2 1 213 100
Nebraska 92 38 83 34 12 5 29 12 23 9 0 0 244 100
Nevada 116 28 90 22 9 2 88 21 83 20 15 4 416 100
New Hampshire 42 29 50 34 1 1 32 22 16 11 3 2 146 100
New Jersey 220 32 130 19 17 2 95 14 183 27 18 3 685 100
New Mexico 123 26 159 34 16 3 54 12 93 20 4 1 466 100
New York 327 28 247 21 14 1 185 16 303 26 50 4 1,175 100
North Carolina 649 40 411 25 33 2 220 13 257 16 18 1 1,630 100
North Dakota 13 13 47 48 4 4 21 21 6 6 1 1 98 100
Ohio 459 36 342 27 23 2 216 17 160 13 8 1 1,275 100
Oklahoma 197 28 251 35 17 2 93 13 96 14 14 2 710 100
Oregon 191 32 157 26 7 1 98 16 123 20 12 2 601 100
Pennsylvania 393 33 297 25 38 3 217 18 179 15 15 1 1,179 100
Rhode Island 17 33 16 31 1 2 10 19 7 13 0 0 52 100
South Carolina 365 33 323 30 13 1 170 16 172 16 25 2 1,094 100
South Dakota 43 31 53 39 4 3 13 9 11 8 2 1 137 100
Tennessee 469 36 397 30 29 2 153 12 210 16 15 1 1,314 100
Texas 1,255 28 1,467 33 117 3 564 13 797 18 91 2 4,408 100
Utah 106 33 74 23 8 3 50 16 45 14 15 5 319 100
Vermont 26 34 20 26 5 7 14 18 6 8 1 1 76 100
Virginia 383 38 276 27 17 2 118 12 173 17 11 1 1,008 100
Washington 240 33 190 26 12 2 133 18 126 17 11 2 733 100
West Virginia 72 27 98 37 6 2 42 16 21 8 2 1 264 100
Wisconsin 233 39 170 29 13 2 82 14 72 12 14 2 596 100
Wyoming 32 24 56 42 12 9 20 15 7 5 1 1 134 100
U.S. total 13,820 33 11,504 27 823 2 6,222 15 7,522 18 1,084 3 42,514 100

Crash types

Nationwide, 53% of motor vehicle crash deaths in 2022 occurred in single-vehicle crashes. Rhode Island had the highest percentage of deaths in single-vehicle crashes (71%), while Nebraska had the highest percentage of deaths in multiple-vehicle crashes (62%).

Deaths by crash type and state, 2022
State Single-vehicle Multiple-vehicle All crashes
Number % Number % Number %
Alabama 531 54 457 46 988 100
Alaska 38 46 44 54 82 100
Arizona 694 53 608 47 1,302 100
Arkansas 326 51 317 49 643 100
California 2,475 56 1,953 44 4,428 100
Colorado 397 52 367 48 764 100
Connecticut 189 53 170 47 359 100
Delaware 67 41 95 59 162 100
District of Columbia 19 59 13 41 32 100
Florida 1,809 51 1,721 49 3,530 100
Georgia 1,010 56 787 44 1,797 100
Hawaii 66 57 50 43 116 100
Idaho 113 53 102 47 215 100
Illinois 621 49 647 51 1,268 100
Indiana 466 49 483 51 949 100
Iowa 174 51 164 49 338 100
Kansas 220 54 190 46 410 100
Kentucky 408 55 336 45 744 100
Louisiana 515 57 391 43 906 100
Maine 109 60 73 40 182 100
Maryland 290 51 274 49 564 100
Massachusetts 266 61 168 39 434 100
Michigan 578 51 546 49 1,124 100
Minnesota 220 50 224 50 444 100
Mississippi 395 56 308 44 703 100
Missouri 562 53 495 47 1,057 100
Montana 122 57 91 43 213 100
Nebraska 93 38 151 62 244 100
Nevada 235 56 181 44 416 100
New Hampshire 82 56 64 44 146 100
New Jersey 357 52 328 48 685 100
New Mexico 256 55 210 45 466 100
New York 688 59 487 41 1,175 100
North Carolina 877 54 753 46 1,630 100
North Dakota 43 44 55 56 98 100
Ohio 637 50 638 50 1,275 100
Oklahoma 361 51 349 49 710 100
Oregon 336 56 265 44 601 100
Pennsylvania 604 51 575 49 1,179 100
Rhode Island 37 71 15 29 52 100
South Carolina 603 55 491 45 1,094 100
South Dakota 76 55 61 45 137 100
Tennessee 710 54 604 46 1,314 100
Texas 2,140 49 2,268 51 4,408 100
Utah 180 56 139 44 319 100
Vermont 43 57 33 43 76 100
Virginia 579 57 429 43 1,008 100
Washington 391 53 342 47 733 100
West Virginia 161 61 103 39 264 100
Wisconsin 320 54 276 46 596 100
Wyoming 84 63 50 37 134 100
U.S. total 22,573 53 19,941 47 42,514 100

Alcohol involvement

Some states report blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for only a small percentage of passenger vehicle drivers. If BAC is missing for a driver, it is estimated by the U.S. Department of Transportation's multiple imputation model (Subramanian, 2002). However, BAC information is most precise in states that report a high percentage of crashes where BAC information is reported. In the following table, numbers for states with BAC reporting for fatally injured drivers that was 70% or under appear in parentheses as they may be unreliable due to the low reporting. Estimated percentages are based on known BAC when available and imputed BAC for the remaining drivers.

Nationally in 2022, BAC was reported for 58% of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers. Reporting rates varied substantially, from a high of 97% (Massachusetts) to a low of 4% (Mississippi). Twenty-nine states had BAC reporting rates of at least 70%. Among these states, Hawaii had the highest estimated percentage of fatally injured drivers with BACs of 0.08% or higher (41%), while Utah had the lowest (21%).

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with BAC ≥ 0.08% by state, 2022
State Total drivers killed Drivers killed with known BAC results Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08
Number Number % Number %
Alabama 572 344 60 (175) (31)
Alaska 42 39 93 10 23
Arizona 403 189 47 (114) (28)
Arkansas 327 237 72 80 25
California 1,700 449 26 (634) (37)
Colorado 333 288 86 105 32
Connecticut 166 141 85 53 32
Delaware 65 46 71 16 24
District of Columbia 5 2 40 (3) (60)
Florida 1,322 658 50 (362) (27)
Georgia 885 466 53 (270) (31)
Hawaii 32 28 88 13 41
Idaho 123 80 65 (36) (29)
Illinois 617 367 59 (198) (32)
Indiana 511 127 25 (144) (28)
Iowa 179 92 51 (53) (30)
Kansas 230 116 50 (56) (24)
Kentucky 385 275 71 85 22
Louisiana 423 362 86 142 34
Maine 106 82 77 35 33
Maryland 264 208 79 106 40
Massachusetts 210 204 97 59 28
Michigan 539 180 33 (136) (25)
Minnesota 231 160 69 (58) (25)
Mississippi 402 17 4 (77) (19)
Missouri 515 396 77 137 27
Montana 107 97 91 42 40
Nebraska 135 106 79 36 27
Nevada 142 110 77 50 35
New Hampshire 74 66 89 28 38
New Jersey 270 235 87 70 26
New Mexico 199 150 75 76 38
New York 440 282 64 (141) (32)
North Carolina 852 384 45 (220) (26)
North Dakota 51 41 80 17 33
Ohio 637 539 85 202 32
Oklahoma 352 304 86 90 25
Oregon 275 210 76 91 33
Pennsylvania 529 320 60 (154) (29)
Rhode Island 24 22 92 8 35
South Carolina 557 441 79 224 40
South Dakota 66 28 42 (23) (35)
Tennessee 673 446 66 (178) (26)
Texas 2,024 1,089 54 (779) (38)
Utah 139 117 84 29 21
Vermont 39 31 79 12 31
Virginia 533 414 78 165 31
Washington 336 240 71 108 32
West Virginia 140 102 73 31 22
Wisconsin 318 60 19 (86) (27)
Wyoming 66 42 64 (23) (35)
U.S. total 19,565 11,429 58 6,042 31

Restraint use

Based on daytime observational surveys, the nationwide rate of seat belt use among front seat passenger vehicle occupants in 2022 was 92%. Oregon had the highest observed seat belt use for front seat occupants, at 97%, while Virginia and Nebraska were tied for the lowest, at 76% (National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2023).

Rates of restraint use among fatally injured motor vehicle occupants will be lower than the overall observed restraint use rate because unrestrained occupants are more likely than restrained ones to be fatally injured in a crash. Restrained fatally injured occupants include occupants in child safety seats and occupants restrained by seat belts. In 2022, just 45% of fatally injured passenger vehicle occupants were restrained. Delaware had the highest restraint use percentage among fatally injured occupants at 60%. North Dakota had the lowest restraint use among fatally injured occupants at just 22%.

Rates of observed daytime front-seat belt use and number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle occupants by restraint use and state, 2022
State and percent of observed seat belt use Restrained fatally injured occupants Unrestrained fatally injured occupants Unknown restraint status of fatally injured occupants Total fatally injured passenger vehicle occupants
Number % Number % Number % Number
Alabama 93 283 40 364 51 66 9 713
Alaska 92 31 55 17 30 8 14 56
Arizona 87 241 41 269 46 80 14 590
Arkansas 79 165 39 191 45 69 16 425
California 95 1,225 53 852 37 243 10 2,320
Colorado 87 225 48 235 50 13 3 473
Connecticut 92 83 39 76 36 55 26 214
Delaware 90 61 60 36 35 5 5 102
District of Columbia 95 3 38 4 50 1 12 8
Florida 88 937 53 788 45 41 2 1,766
Georgia 89 461 42 527 48 121 11 1,109
Hawaii 96 24 57 16 38 2 5 42
Idaho 88 54 34 84 53 20 13 158
Illinois 93 339 41 276 33 215 26 830
Indiana 93 261 40 232 35 161 25 654
Iowa 96 107 46 104 44 23 10 234
Kansas 87 114 39 148 51 28 10 290
Kentucky 87 230 47 256 53 0 0 486
Louisiana 86 205 38 282 52 56 10 543
Maine 93 58 47 65 52 1 <1 124
Maryland 93 154 47 150 46 25 8 329
Massachusetts 77 96 36 137 52 32 12 265
Michigan 93 333 48 233 34 127 18 693
Minnesota 93 154 54 80 28 53 18 287
Mississippi 79 227 44 200 39 88 17 515
Missouri 89 245 36 369 54 72 10 686
Montana 93 52 37 85 61 3 2 140
Nebraska 76 62 35 86 49 29 16 177
Nevada 93 87 41 84 40 39 19 210
New Hampshire 77 26 28 55 59 12 13 93
New Jersey 93 196 54 141 39 25 7 362
New Mexico 90 119 41 148 51 22 8 289
New York 92 324 55 203 35 60 10 587
North Carolina 91 530 49 512 47 39 4 1,081
North Dakota 81 13 22 41 68 6 10 60
Ohio 81 307 38 402 49 107 13 816
Oklahoma 80 193 42 223 49 43 9 459
Oregon 97 193 55 110 31 48 14 351
Pennsylvania 90 263 38 342 49 95 14 700
Rhode Island 87 14 42 19 58 0 0 33
South Carolina 91 284 40 380 54 40 6 704
South Dakota 88 35 36 51 53 11 11 97
Tennessee 91 378 43 438 50 66 7 882
Texas 90 1,264 46 1,199 43 297 11 2,760
Utah 90 80 43 87 47 17 9 184
Vermont 90 18 39 27 59 1 2 46
Virginia 76 280 42 379 56 13 2 672
Washington 94 212 48 156 35 72 16 440
West Virginia 93 57 33 85 49 31 18 173
Wisconsin 88 166 41 166 41 77 19 409
Wyoming 78 26 29 61 69 2 2 89
U.S. total 92 11,495 45 11,471 45 2,760 11 25,726

Rural versus urban

Nationwide, 41% of motor vehicle crash deaths in 2022 occurred in rural areas. The states with the highest percentage of crash deaths on rural roads were Wyoming (85%), Maine (84%), North Dakota (84%), and Vermont (84%). The states with the lowest percentage were Maryland (5%), Massachusetts (7%), and New Jersey (10%). The District of Columbia had zero crash deaths in rural areas because its entirety is coded as an urban area.

Number and percent of motor vehicle crash deaths by land use and state, 2022
State Urban Rural Unknown Total
Number % Number % Number % Number
Alabama 438 44 549 56 1 <1 988
Alaska 41 50 39 48 2 2 82
Arizona 849 65 400 31 53 4 1,302
Arkansas 284 44 359 56 0 0 643
California 3,252 73 1,166 26 10 <1 4,428
Colorado 463 61 299 39 2 <1 764
Connecticut 313 87 42 12 4 1 359
Delaware 81 50 81 50 0 0 162
District of Columbia 32 100 0 0 0 0 32
Florida 2,709 77 809 23 12 <1 3,530
Georgia 1,159 64 637 35 1 <1 1,797
Hawaii 101 87 14 12 1 1 116
Idaho 51 24 164 76 0 0 215
Illinois 872 69 388 31 8 1 1,268
Indiana 379 40 569 60 1 <1 949
Iowa 100 30 236 70 2 1 338
Kansas 164 40 245 60 1 <1 410
Kentucky 256 34 487 65 1 <1 744
Louisiana 490 54 402 44 14 2 906
Maine 27 15 153 84 2 1 182
Maryland 526 93 31 5 7 1 564
Massachusetts 400 92 30 7 4 1 434
Michigan 690 61 425 38 9 1 1,124
Minnesota 206 46 235 53 3 1 444
Mississippi 205 29 470 67 28 4 703
Missouri 504 48 550 52 3 <1 1,057
Montana 43 20 168 79 2 1 213
Nebraska 95 39 149 61 0 0 244
Nevada 291 70 125 30 0 0 416
New Hampshire 69 47 77 53 0 0 146
New Jersey 613 89 67 10 5 1 685
New Mexico 202 43 264 57 0 0 466
New York 895 76 278 24 2 <1 1,175
North Carolina 664 41 966 59 0 0 1,630
North Dakota 16 16 82 84 0 0 98
Ohio 721 57 546 43 8 1 1,275
Oklahoma 288 41 422 59 0 0 710
Oregon 279 46 322 54 0 0 601
Pennsylvania 689 58 487 41 3 <1 1,179
Rhode Island 38 73 13 25 1 2 52
South Carolina 479 44 615 56 0 0 1,094
South Dakota 28 20 109 80 0 0 137
Tennessee 779 59 535 41 0 0 1,314
Texas 2,723 62 1,679 38 6 <1 4,408
Utah 206 65 113 35 0 0 319
Vermont 12 16 64 84 0 0 76
Virginia 494 49 511 51 3 <1 1,008
Washington 434 59 293 40 6 1 733
West Virginia 89 34 174 66 1 <1 264
Wisconsin 265 44 330 55 1 <1 596
Wyoming 19 14 114 85 1 1 134
U.S. total 25,023 59 17,283 41 208 <1 42,514