Insurance losses by make and model
The tables below contain results for hundreds of passenger vehicles grouped by class and size under six insurance coverages: collision, property damage liability, comprehensive, personal injury protection, medical payment and bodily injury. For more information on HLDI’s insurance data and definitions of the six coverage types, see our auto insurance topic page.
Percentages shown are the percentage above or below the average for all passenger vehicles under a given coverage type.
Color key
More about these numbers
The percentage and color coding help consumers see which models have insurance losses that are better or worse than average. Since they are displayed by size and class, they also show how individual vehicles compare with similar models.
More information on insurance loss trends, including by vehicle size and class, is available on our auto insurance topic page.
Results for collision, property damage liability and comprehensive represent overall losses, which reflect both the frequency of claims and the average loss payment per claim. Results for injury coverages represent claim frequency only.
The results include claims dating from the first sales of a vehicle through the beginning of the calendar year that follows the last year in the model year spread. For example, data for 2011-13 models include losses through early 2014.
Results are adjusted to reduce possible distortions from other nonvehicle factors — operator age, calendar year, density, gender, marital status, model year, risk (standard or nonstandard) and state. Collision and comprehensive also are adjusted for deductible amount.
These insurance loss results generally are good predictors of the experience of current versions of the same vehicle models. However, when automakers substantially redesign their vehicles, the experience of an earlier model with the same name may not predict the experience of the newer design.
Why can't I find insurance loss data for new models?
It takes considerable time to gather and tabulate the real-world data needed to provide statistically significant results for new models. Complete vehicle registration data for each model year typically are released about two years later, and data on fatalities are first available approximately nine months after the end of the calendar year. Similarly, it takes time to amass sufficient insurance claims information to provide meaningful results for a range of vehicles. For vehicles that have not been fundamentally redesigned, previous model year results are good predictors of the current model's experience.
Archival results (1989-2005) in PDF format
To download an archived report, choose a model year range
- 2003-05 models
- 2002-04 models
- 2001-03 models
- 2000-02 models
- 1999-01 models
- 1998-00 models
- 1997-99 models
- 1996-98 models
- 1995-97 models
- 1994-96 models
- 1993-95 models
- 1992-94 models
- 1991-93 models
- 1990-92 models
- 1989-91 models
These earlier model year results are not directly comparable to newer model year results, due to changes in computation methods. Earlier model year results used a standardization procedure that included only two values for age and two values for deductible — high and low — and did not include any of the other data elements used in later model years.