Fatality Facts 2022Passenger vehicle occupants


The largest number of motor vehicle crash deaths occurs among occupants of passenger vehicles, including cars, minivans, pickups, SUVs, and cargo/large passenger vans. The likelihood of a crash death varies markedly among these vehicle types according to size. Small vehicles have less structure to absorb crash energy, so crash forces on occupants will be higher. People in lighter vehicles are at a disadvantage in collisions with heavier vehicles (Puckett & Kindelberger, 2016). Pickups and SUVs are more likely than cars to be in fatal single-vehicle crashes, especially rollovers. However, pickups and SUVs generally are heavier than cars, so occupant deaths in SUVs and pickups are less likely to occur in multiple-vehicle crashes.

Guide to car size groups

Curb weight Shadow (overall length x width in square feet)
70-80 81-90 91-100 101-110 > 110
Note: Includes minivans.
2,001-2,500 lbs Mini Small Small Small Midsize
2,501-3,000 lbs Small Small Midsize Midsize Midsize
3,001-3,500 lbs Small Midsize Midsize Large Large
3,501-4,000 lbs Small Midsize Large Large Very large
>4,000 lbs Midsize Midsize Large Very large Very large

Guide to SUV size groups

  Curb weight
Small 3,001-3,750 lbs
Midsize 3,751-4,750 lbs
Large 4,751-5,750 lbs
Very large >5,750 lbs or shadow > 115 sq ft

Guide to pickup size groups

  Curb weight
Small ≤4,000 lbs
Large >4,000 lbs and carrying capacity = 1/2 ton
Very large >4,000 lbs and carrying capacity > 1/2 ton

The following facts are based on analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System and IHS Markit.

Posted June 2024.

Crash types

Frontal impacts accounted for 59% of passenger vehicle occupant deaths in 2022. Side impacts accounted for another 22% of passenger vehicle occupant deaths.

Passenger vehicle occupant deaths in all crashes by impact point and vehicle type, 2022
Point of initial impact Car occupants Pickup occupants SUV occupants All occupants
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Frontal 8,076 58 2,811 60 4,043 59 15,192 59
Side 3,551 26 811 17 1,271 19 5,697 22
Rear 744 5 187 4 385 6 1,342 5
Other (mostly rollover) 1,449 10 892 19 1,104 16 3,495 14
Total* 13,820 100 4,701 100 6,803 100 25,726 100

Forty percent of car occupant deaths in 2022 occurred in single-vehicle crashes, and 60% occurred in multiple-vehicle crashes. In contrast, single-vehicle crashes accounted for 56% of pickup occupant deaths and 47% of SUV occupant deaths.

Passenger vehicle occupant deaths by vehicle and crash type, 2022
Vehicle type Deaths in single-vehicle crashes Deaths in multiple-vehicle crashes Deaths in all crashes*
Number % Number % Number %
Cars 5,462 40 8,358 60 13,820 100
Pickups 2,631 56 2,070 44 4,701 100
SUVs 3,218 47 3,585 53 6,803 100
Other 146 36 256 64 402 100
All passenger vehicles 11,457 45 14,269 55 25,726 100

Age and sex differences

The majority of passenger vehicle occupant deaths in 2022 were male. This was true of both drivers (72%) and all occupants (66%), and these values were mostly consistent across age.

Passenger vehicle occupant deaths by age, type and sex, 2022
Age Drivers All occupants
Male Female Total* Male Female Total*
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
<16 25 74 9 26 34 100 479 53 421 47 901 100
16-19 881 74 309 26 1,190 100 1,297 68 620 32 1,919 100
20-24 1,532 72 581 27 2,114 100 1,949 69 886 31 2,838 100
25-29 1,476 73 558 27 2,034 100 1,798 70 771 30 2,570 100
30-34 1,382 71 548 28 1,933 100 1,613 68 768 32 2,384 100
35-39 1,202 74 416 26 1,620 100 1,399 70 605 30 2,006 100
40-44 1,066 76 343 24 1,409 100 1,209 70 508 30 1,717 100
45-49 900 72 344 28 1,244 100 1,008 68 467 32 1,476 100
50-54 906 71 369 29 1,275 100 1,020 67 502 33 1,522 100
55-59 883 70 375 30 1,258 100 992 65 529 35 1,521 100
60-64 909 72 346 28 1,255 100 1,025 68 483 32 1,508 100
65-69 772 71 312 29 1,085 100 856 66 444 34 1,301 100
≥70 2,108 68 975 32 3,085 100 2,385 60 1,609 40 3,998 100
Total* 14,062 72 5,489 28 19,565 100 17,064 66 8,633 34 25,726 100

Just 7% of passenger vehicle occupant deaths were in the second or third row; 24% of these were younger than 13.

Passenger vehicle occupant deaths by seating position and age, 2022
Seating position <13 years 13-19 years ≥20 years Total*
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Driver 1 0 1,223 6 18,312 94 19,565 100
Front-row passenger 82 2 546 14 3,219 83 3,865 100
Second-row passenger 423 23 359 20 1,014 56 1,808 100
Third-row passenger 30 45 14 21 23 34 67 100
Total* 604 2 2,216 9 22,841 89 25,726 100

Driver death rates

Computing driver death rates per million registered passenger vehicles allows for comparisons of fatal crash risk across vehicle groups. The computed rates reflect the influence of vehicle designs plus their patterns of use and the demographics of their drivers. Driver death rates for each year are based on vehicles that were 1-3 years old at the time of the crash to minimize the effects of vehicle aging. 

Since 1978, the overall rates of occupant deaths per million registered vehicles have declined across all passenger vehicle types. Declines in death rates have been largest for SUV occupants.

Passenger vehicle occupant death rates by vehicle type, 1978-2022

Occupant deaths per million registered passenger vehicles 1-3 years old, 1978-2022
Year Drivers All occupants
Cars Pickups SUVs All passenger vehicles Cars Pickups SUVs All passenger vehicles
1978 155 237 273 169 235 346 438 256
1979 165 246 271 180 244 350 425 265
1980 167 221 287 177 248 316 494 263
1981 177 216 237 182 259 296 389 265
1982 155 188 229 159 231 263 392 236
1983 148 188 225 153 220 263 337 225
1984 147 190 143 151 218 259 218 222
1985 139 182 141 144 207 257 227 213
1986 128 172 134 133 196 239 224 202
1987 129 178 136 136 196 248 232 205
1988 133 186 121 140 205 251 198 211
1989 130 185 116 138 199 255 185 208
1990 122 179 126 131 187 245 201 197
1991 108 169 109 117 169 229 175 178
1992 101 151 88 108 160 200 151 165
1993 97 137 93 102 152 187 141 156
1994 100 134 87 104 159 178 148 161
1995 103 134 102 107 160 180 157 162
1996 107 127 98 109 167 178 150 167
1997 96 118 93 99 152 161 146 153
1998 90 119 86 94 141 158 141 144
1999 91 120 93 96 138 162 139 143
2000 83 117 81 89 127 155 135 134
2001 83 130 74 89 124 170 116 131
2002 84 123 76 88 126 162 122 131
2003 81 115 72 85 122 151 115 126
2004 76 107 66 79 114 145 103 117
2005 79 110 56 78 117 145 88 114
2006 77 101 49 73 112 137 74 106
2007 70 95 44 67 103 128 69 99
2008 65 87 35 61 92 114 52 85
2009 56 63 25 49 82 83 36 69
2010 49 64 20 43 71 80 29 61
2011 43 49 17 37 62 66 24 52
2012 42 44 16 35 61 56 23 49
2013 41 39 19 34 58 52 26 48
2014 37 38 18 32 53 47 24 44
2015 42 40 20 35 62 52 29 51
2016 44 39 21 36 63 48 32 51
2017 46 37 22 36 66 46 33 51
2018 48 34 23 36 70 42 32 51
2019 48 32 24 35 68 39 35 49
2020 53 35 25 37 72 46 34 50
2021 64 40 29 43 92 52 41 60
2022 65 39 31 43 90 51 46 60

Overall in 2022, there were 16 driver deaths per million registered passenger vehicles in single-vehicle crashes and 27 driver deaths per million registered passenger vehicles in multiple-vehicle crashes. Cars had the highest number of deaths per million registered vehicles both in single-vehicle crashes (23) and in multiple-vehicle crashes (42). SUVs had the lowest number of deaths per million registered vehicles in single-vehicle crashes (11) and pickups had the lowest in multiple-vehicle crashes (19).

Driver deaths per million registered passenger vehicles 1-3 years old by crash type, 2022
Multiple-vehicle Single-vehicle Single-vehicle rollover All crashes
Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate
Cars Mini 41 77 20 37 5 9 61 114
Small 244 53 94 20 31 7 338 74
Midsize 203 36 133 23 47 8 336 59
Large 48 38 42 33 14 11 90 71
Very large 22 20 11 10 3 3 33 30
All cars 559 42 301 23 100 8 860 65
Pickups Small 37 20 44 24 19 10 81 44
Large 90 19 91 19 25 5 181 38
Very large 22 14 29 18 13 8 51 32
All pickups 155 19 167 20 58 7 322 39
SUVs Small 271 28 122 12 47 5 393 40
Midsize 160 15 97 9 44 4 257 24
Large 18 11 20 13 10 6 38 24
Very large 8 18 4 9 <1 <1 12 27
All SUVs 457 20 243 11 101 5 700 31
All passenger vehicles All 1,208 27 719 16 261 6 1,927 43
Driver deaths per million 1-3 year old registered pickups and SUVs by crash type and 2WD/4WD, 2022
Multiple-vehicle Single-vehicle Single-vehicle rollover All crashes
Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate
Pickups 45 27 104 16 38 23 126 19 14 8 43 7 83 50 230 35
SUVs 227 30 226 15 97 13 143 10 32 4 67 5 324 43 369 25

In multiple-vehicle crashes, frontal impacts accounted for 18 driver deaths per million registered passenger vehicles in 2022. By comparison, multiple-vehicle side impacts accounted for 7 deaths per million and multiple-vehicle rear impacts accounted for 2 deaths per million.

Driver deaths in multiple-vehicle crashes per million registered passenger vehicles 1-3 years old, 2022
Frontal impacts Side impacts Rear impacts Other Total
Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate
Cars 372 28 140 11 39 3 6 <1 559 42
Pickups 111 13 32 4 9 1 1 <1 155 19
SUVs 287 13 121 5 42 2 3 <1 457 20
All passenger vehicles 804 18 295 7 91 2 10 <1 1,208 27

In single-vehicle crashes, frontal impacts accounted for 11 driver deaths per million registered passenger vehicles in 2022. By comparison, single-vehicle side impacts accounted for 1 death per million and single-vehicle rear impacts for less than 1 death per million.

Driver deaths in single-vehicle crashes per million registered passenger vehicles 1-3 years old, 2022
Frontal impacts Side impacts Rear impacts Other Total
Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate
Cars 202 15 43 3 2 <1 18 1 301 23
Pickups 121 15 15 2 2 <1 15 2 167 20
SUVs 182 8 8 <1 1 <1 28 1 243 11
All passenger vehicles 511 11 66 1 5 <1 62 1 719 16


A crash is classified as a rollover if the vehicle tips onto its side or roof at any time during the crash. The rollover may result from an impact with another vehicle or with a fixed object. Many rollovers occur after a vehicle leaves the roadway. A rollover may lead to occupants being ejected from the vehicle, increasing the likelihood of a fatality.

A total of 7,418 passenger vehicle occupants died in rollover crashes in 2022. Although most rollovers (77%) were associated with a pre-rollover impact, a substantial proportion (23%) rolled over without having impacted anything beforehand.

Passenger vehicle occupant deaths in rollover crashes by impact point and vehicle type, 2022
Point of initial impact Car occupants Pickup occupants SUV occupants All occupants
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Frontal 1,439 49 789 43 1,127 44 3,406 46
Side 508 17 269 15 408 16 1,198 16
Rear 97 3 85 5 118 5 314 4
None 493 17 527 29 637 25 1,688 23
Other 388 13 171 9 246 10 812 11
Total* 2,925 100 1,841 100 2,536 100 7,418 100

Crashes in which a vehicle rolled over accounted for 29% of all passenger vehicle occupant deaths in 2022. The proportion of occupant deaths involving a rollover was much higher in single-vehicle crashes (49%) than it was for multiple-vehicle crashes (13%).

Passenger vehicle occupant deaths by crash type, 1978-2022
Year Deaths in single-vehicle crashes Deaths in multiple-vehicle crashes Deaths in all crashes*
Rollover No rollover Rollover No rollover Rollover No rollover
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1978 7,858 48 8,460 52 1,477 8 17,093 92 9,350 27 25,573 73
1979 8,010 48 8,542 52 1,666 9 16,779 91 9,691 28 25,335 72
1980 8,673 49 9,001 51 1,588 9 15,679 91 10,282 29 24,714 71
1981 8,211 50 8,188 50 1,588 9 15,692 91 9,812 29 23,899 71
1982 6,974 49 7,205 51 1,305 8 14,158 92 8,282 28 21,374 72
1983 6,951 50 7,079 50 1,256 8 13,868 92 8,207 28 20,947 72
1984 7,116 50 7,092 50 1,358 9 14,528 91 8,474 28 21,620 72
1985 6,900 50 6,779 50 1,361 8 14,805 92 8,262 28 21,586 72
1986 7,954 52 7,428 48 1,501 9 15,341 91 9,455 29 22,769 71
1987 8,162 53 7,363 47 1,629 9 15,991 91 9,791 30 23,354 70
1988 8,562 53 7,494 47 1,582 9 16,467 91 10,144 30 23,961 70
1989 8,060 52 7,558 48 1,620 9 16,361 91 9,680 29 23,919 71
1990 8,068 52 7,382 48 1,556 9 15,705 91 9,624 29 23,087 71
1991 7,749 52 7,131 48 1,523 10 14,407 90 9,272 30 21,538 70
1992 7,135 52 6,693 48 1,492 10 14,137 90 8,627 29 20,830 71
1993 7,002 51 6,821 49 1,524 9 14,647 91 8,526 28 21,468 72
1994 7,268 52 6,637 48 1,669 10 15,246 90 8,937 29 21,883 71
1995 7,802 53 6,940 47 1,708 10 15,464 90 9,510 30 22,404 70
1996 7,903 53 6,891 47 1,691 10 15,869 90 9,594 30 22,760 70
1997 7,712 53 6,743 47 1,774 10 16,114 90 9,486 29 22,857 71
1998 7,848 54 6,594 46 1,872 11 15,467 89 9,720 31 22,061 69
1999 8,255 56 6,502 44 1,839 11 15,412 89 10,094 32 21,914 68
2000 8,112 54 6,841 46 1,800 10 15,356 90 9,912 31 22,197 69
2001 8,375 55 6,786 45 1,747 10 15,030 90 10,122 32 21,816 68
2002 8,724 55 7,114 45 1,952 12 14,934 88 10,676 33 22,048 67
2003 8,462 55 6,936 45 1,940 12 14,828 88 10,402 32 21,764 68
2004 8,525 56 6,764 44 2,022 12 14,439 88 10,547 33 21,203 67
2005 8,730 57 6,713 43 2,095 13 13,902 87 10,825 34 20,630 66
2006 8,790 57 6,666 43 1,919 13 13,229 87 10,712 35 19,916 65
2007 8,429 56 6,528 44 1,844 13 12,330 87 10,274 35 18,881 65
2008 7,541 56 6,002 44 1,529 13 10,459 87 9,073 36 16,474 64
2009 6,868 55 5,538 45 1,451 13 9,630 87 8,322 35 15,185 65
2010 6,375 55 5,245 45 1,365 13 9,366 87 7,740 35 14,611 65
2011 6,148 55 5,076 45 1,293 13 8,896 87 7,441 35 13,972 65
2012 6,273 55 5,201 45 1,312 13 9,120 87 7,585 35 14,321 65
2013 5,825 53 5,168 47 1,257 12 9,111 88 7,082 33 14,279 67
2014 5,570 52 5,059 48 1,304 12 9,198 88 6,874 33 14,257 67
2015 5,802 53 5,138 47 1,458 12 10,343 88 7,260 32 15,481 68
2016 5,919 52 5,511 48 1,616 13 10,911 87 7,535 31 16,422 69
2017 5,617 51 5,455 49 1,651 13 11,143 87 7,268 30 16,598 70
2018 5,125 49 5,247 51 1,511 12 11,163 88 6,636 29 16,410 71
2019 4,877 49 5,159 51 1,500 12 11,021 88 6,377 28 16,180 72
2020 5,611 50 5,674 50 1,627 13 11,223 87 7,238 30 16,897 70
2021 5,678 49 5,985 51 2,014 13 13,051 87 7,692 29 19,036 71
2022 5,575 49 5,882 51 1,843 13 12,426 87 7,418 29 18,308 71

In 2022, rollover crashes accounted for 21% of occupant deaths in cars, 39% of occupant deaths in pickups, and 37% of occupant deaths in SUVs.

Passenger vehicle occupant deaths in rollover vs. no rollover crashes, 1978-2022
Year Car occupants Pickup occupants SUV occupants
Rollover No rollover Rollover No rollover Rollover No rollover
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1978 6,422 23 21,476 77 1,989 39 3,114 61 520 61 332 39
1979 6,416 23 21,102 77 2,222 41 3,201 59 630 67 315 33
1980 6,862 25 20,420 75 2,263 41 3,226 59 735 65 389 35
1981 6,541 25 19,865 75 2,177 42 3,059 58 663 65 358 35
1982 5,477 24 17,667 76 1,935 40 2,844 60 571 66 291 34
1983 5,381 24 17,420 76 1,939 42 2,721 58 609 66 311 34
1984 5,525 24 17,959 76 2,048 42 2,836 58 587 66 299 34
1985 5,220 23 17,864 77 2,044 42 2,848 58 671 66 353 34
1986 6,000 24 18,898 76 2,371 44 2,963 56 737 65 394 35
1987 6,015 24 19,145 76 2,598 45 3,197 55 824 65 445 35
1988 6,246 24 19,630 76 2,762 45 3,327 55 815 62 505 38
1989 5,801 23 19,533 77 2,680 45 3,336 55 847 62 526 38
1990 5,714 23 18,749 77 2,713 45 3,319 55 910 61 570 39
1991 5,470 24 17,324 76 2,593 44 3,265 56 934 61 587 39
1992 4,968 23 16,921 77 2,479 45 2,997 55 879 63 511 37
1993 4,877 22 17,289 78 2,415 43 3,196 57 971 63 581 37
1994 5,149 23 17,559 77 2,393 43 3,211 57 1,102 61 707 39
1995 5,381 23 17,838 77 2,581 43 3,392 57 1,257 63 749 37
1996 5,357 23 18,170 77 2,539 43 3,389 57 1,429 65 781 35
1997 5,174 22 18,069 78 2,479 42 3,443 58 1,516 63 900 37
1998 5,177 23 17,298 77 2,537 43 3,367 57 1,703 63 1,008 37
1999 5,212 23 16,997 77 2,699 44 3,396 56 1,901 63 1,118 37
2000 5,030 23 17,061 77 2,529 42 3,467 58 2,067 62 1,270 38
2001 5,056 23 16,632 77 2,636 43 3,485 57 2,159 61 1,362 39
2002 5,279 24 16,835 76 2,715 45 3,343 55 2,474 62 1,548 38
2003 4,943 23 16,182 77 2,509 43 3,324 57 2,658 60 1,805 40
2004 4,801 23 15,822 77 2,519 44 3,197 56 2,949 62 1,823 38
2005 4,860 24 15,096 76 2,773 46 3,267 54 2,909 60 1,938 40
2006 4,754 25 14,333 75 2,781 47 3,096 53 2,919 59 2,054 41
2007 4,414 25 13,391 75 2,660 46 3,098 54 2,929 59 2,046 41
2008 3,994 25 11,731 75 2,368 47 2,653 53 2,510 58 1,840 42
2009 3,515 25 10,609 75 2,246 48 2,473 52 2,388 56 1,866 44
2010 3,202 24 10,231 76 2,057 46 2,386 54 2,340 57 1,790 43
2011 3,063 24 9,675 76 1,973 46 2,272 54 2,259 55 1,836 45
2012 3,208 24 9,904 76 1,987 46 2,352 54 2,287 55 1,884 45
2013 2,991 23 9,740 77 1,916 45 2,299 55 2,057 50 2,041 50
2014 2,818 22 9,725 78 1,871 44 2,352 56 2,070 50 2,033 50
2015 3,004 23 10,316 77 1,916 43 2,574 57 2,211 48 2,366 52
2016 3,124 22 10,933 78 1,973 43 2,652 57 2,305 47 2,603 53
2017 3,007 22 10,895 78 1,837 41 2,597 59 2,322 45 2,864 55
2018 2,677 20 10,583 80 1,741 40 2,639 60 2,113 42 2,946 58
2019 2,527 20 10,008 80 1,630 38 2,654 62 2,100 39 3,265 61
2020 3,017 22 10,637 78 1,804 41 2,603 59 2,326 40 3,455 60
2021 3,090 21 11,751 79 1,965 40 2,906 60 2,518 38 4,145 62
2022 2,925 21 10,895 79 1,841 39 2,860 61 2,536 37 4,267 63

In 2022, single-vehicle rollover crashes accounted for 17% of occupant deaths in cars, 30% of occupant deaths in pickups and 26% of occupant deaths in SUVs.

Deaths in single-vehicle rollover crashes as a percent of total occupant deaths, 2022
Drivers All occupants
Single-vehicle rollover All crashes Single-vehicle rollover All crashes
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Cars Mini 71 13 547 100 96 14 681 100
Small 490 15 3,378 100 608 14 4,380 100
Midsize 774 19 4,174 100 1,004 18 5,521 100
Large 355 21 1,667 100 451 21 2,175 100
Very large 85 13 636 100 115 12 931 100
All cars 1,791 17 10,502 100 2,295 17 13,820 100
Pickups Small 279 28 1,013 100 329 28 1,192 100
Large 615 30 2,076 100 753 29 2,566 100
Very large 266 41 648 100 316 38 826 100
All pickups 1,187 31 3,828 100 1,433 30 4,701 100
SUVs Small 358 20 1,801 100 460 19 2,407 100
Midsize 619 28 2,238 100 842 28 3,056 100
Large 259 37 694 100 374 38 995 100
Very large 77 34 225 100 106 34 312 100
All SUVs 1,317 26 4,979 100 1,789 26 6,803 100
All passenger vehicles All 4,326 22 19,565 100 5,575 22 25,726 100
Deaths in single-vehicle rollover crashes as a percent of total occupant deaths for pickups and SUVs by 2WD/4WD, 2022
Single-vehicle rollover All crashes Single-vehicle rollover All crashes
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Pickups Small 199 26 753 100 130 30 437 100
Large 345 28 1,223 100 408 30 1,343 100
Very large 51 34 149 100 265 39 677 100
All pickups 595 28 2,125 100 803 33 2,457 100
SUVs Small 174 16 1,120 100 285 22 1,276 100
Midsize 340 25 1,343 100 499 29 1,708 100
Large 168 37 456 100 205 38 536 100
Very large 50 41 122 100 56 29 190 100
All SUVs 732 24 3,041 100 1,045 28 3,710 100

Since 1978, driver death rates for single-vehicle rollover crashes have declined across all passenger vehicle types, particularly among SUVs.

Driver deaths in single-vehicle rollover crashes per million registered passenger vehicles 1-3 years old, 1978-2022

Driver deaths in single-vehicle rollover crashes per million registered passenger vehicles 1-3 years old, 1978-2022
Year Car drivers Pickup drivers SUV drivers All passenger vehicles
1978 32 78 141 41
1979 31 90 155 43
1980 37 83 168 47
1981 35 76 137 44
1982 31 65 129 38
1983 29 62 126 35
1984 27 72 69 34
1985 25 61 73 32
1986 24 70 62 32
1987 24 68 67 33
1988 26 70 55 34
1989 24 68 60 33
1990 25 68 60 34
1991 23 66 54 31
1992 20 56 40 27
1993 19 50 51 26
1994 19 42 37 25
1995 20 49 45 27
1996 24 47 55 31
1997 21 44 43 27
1998 21 43 43 28
1999 20 49 47 29
2000 18 46 42 27
2001 18 53 36 27
2002 18 52 36 28
2003 16 47 34 25
2004 15 44 30 23
2005 16 46 24 23
2006 15 44 19 21
2007 14 38 16 19
2008 13 32 12 16
2009 13 28 6 13
2010 11 25 4 11
2011 8 17 4 8
2012 6 11 3 6
2013 5 11 3 5
2014 6 9 3 6
2015 6 7 3 5
2016 5 7 3 5
2017 6 6 3 5
2018 6 5 3 5
2019 4 6 4 4
2020 7 6 4 5
2021 7 7 3 5
2022 8 7 5 6

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